Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's Culture

I chose this photo to represent culture because in my opinion it shows what this country is all about. I feel that this country is all about the latest technology and getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. In this photo there is a DVD, car keys, two cell phones to stress how important communication is and how a simple cell phone just won’t do anymore, then there is the iPod, a laptop with Facebook pulled up on the screen, and an audio book because it seems like people just don’t read books anymore, they listen to them instead.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pink Sky In The Morning, Sailors Take Warning (Landscapes)

I chose this photo for my photo of the week because I thought it was too beautiful to not be shared with everyone. I took this photo one morning while getting ready for school because you don’t see sunrises like this everyday and I thought I would take advantage of and make something good out of the difficult time change we just recently went through.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Frozen Tree (Dormant)

I chose this photo to represent "dormant" out of the "dead, dying, or dormant" assignment. I chose it because I like how the ice on the tree looks like spots or like a birch tree. I like how the light on the tree makes the ice more prominent. I also chose it because of the angle. I have taken a lot of photos of trees at this angle but none of them in the winter time when there are no leaves on the tree.